- When happy with what you see, you can click Save estimates button (bottom right) to conclude the session and update the issues' respective estimation field:
- You will be prompted with a dialog asking you where to store the results:
- Choose the desired field to update and click Save button.
and caveats
Note |
Current implementation stores the session state in the moderator's browser local storage. This has following implications: 1) your browser must support local storage and have it enabled |
Keep in mind these resources are not created nor maintained by Spartez, but you still might benefit from them.
https://www.thedroidsonroids.com/blog/the-best-way-of-estimating |
Detailed explanation of the Team Estimation Game method. Good for introductory reading. | |
http://www8.cs.umu.se/ |
kurser/5DV151/VT15/lectures/slides/f4_Team_Estimation_Game.pdf | One-paged "cheat sheet" for the Team Estimation Game. |
http://www.agilelearninglabs.com/2012/05/how-to-play-the-team-estimation-game/ | Another explanation of Team Estimation Game. Less pictures, but with more verbose examples. |
https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Estimation-Dependable-Project-Schedules-ebook/dp/B00SS794IQ | Kindle pocked guide about Team Estimation, written by the technique author. |
http://tracks.roojoom.com/r/2258#/trek?page=4 | Short |
comparison between Planning Poker, Magic Estimations and Team Estimation Game. | |
https://systemagility.com/2011/05/22/using-silent-grouping-to-size-user-stories/ | Detailed explanation of the Silent Grouping method. |
https://www.wibas.com/scrum/magic-estimation/en | Introductory explanation to the Magic Estimation method, with a bit of hints. |