TFS4JIRA Synchronizer is a web application accompanying JIRA plugin.
TFS4JIRA Synchronizer installation process is quite straightforward. Simply run the installer (tfs4jira-synchronizer-setup-x.y.z.msi) as an administrator and follow instructions. The installer will warn you if any of the required components is missing (see this page for a list of prerequisites).
Info TFS4JIRA Synchronizer application will be created under site named "Default Web Site" - if this site doesn't exist then installation process will fail. If you really need to install the synchronizer on a different web site, or if your site is called differently, you will need to use the command line to invoke MS installer with some additional parameters, like this:
msiexec /i tfs4jira-synchronizer-setup-4.0.1.msi WEBSITENAME="tralalalaexample" WEBSITEPORT=99
where WEBSITENAME is the name of your site and WEBSITEPORT is its port - both of these options must be specified, otherwise the result is undefined. There is more information about this at
Jira Legacy server SPARTEZ JIRA serverId b5aae698-eea0-3453-a56b-1d4ff69946fb key TFS-371 You should be able to access the installed application under the following URL: http://<your-iis-host-name>/tfs-jira-synchronizer.