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What is TFS4JIRA synchronizer


You can download installer from here: - choose the web installer (tfs4jira-synchronizer-web-setup-x.y.z.exe) if you have Internet access or offline (tfs4jira-synchronizer-offline-setup-x.y.z.exe) version otherwise.



TFS4JIRA Synchronizer application will be created under site named "Default Web Site" - if this site doesn't exist then installation process will fail. If you really need to install the synchronizer on a different web site, or if your site is called differently, you will need to use the command line to invoke MS installer with some additional parameters, like this:

    tfs4jira-synchronizer-web-setup-x.y.z.exe /i WEBSITENAME="example" WEBSITEPORT=99

where WEBSITENAME is the name of your existing web site, under which you want to install the synchronizer, and WEBSITEPORT is its port - both of these options must be specified, otherwise the result is undefined.

Also you can add INSTALLLOCATION="c:\yourpath" parameter to install Synchronizer in different folder.

  • If you have a different Physical Path than the default path (%SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot) for your site, then you will need to specify the INSTALLLOCATION by adding this parameter.
