Hierarchy works differently in Jira and AzureAzure and Jira have different approach to item hierarchy.
While Jira has a threeallows for three-level hierarchy (Subtask → Standard Work Item → Epic).Azure has an unlimited level hierarchy available since it's done by Parent/Child link relation. Visual represenation of , Azure does not restrict the number of hierarchy levels, allowing for unlimited Parent-Child relations in a single hierarchy tree.
Visual representation of Azure hierarchy depends on chosen processes and is up to 4 levels.
In order to synchronize epics user have to check Epics synchronization checkbox in hierarchy mapping page and map corresponding epic items in both systems.
This can be done in Mapping → Hierarchy Mapping
Azure → Jira: When Parent/Child link is added to mapped work item to for a mapped epic in Jira, there is EpicLink created EpicLink between those work items.
Jira → Azure: When work item is linked to an epic there is Parent/Child relation link created in Azure.
<img of settings here>
Subtasks synchronization
Azure → Jira: When Parent/Child link is created in Azure from work item mapped to Jira subtask, there will be Jira subtask created. Example:
Jira → Azure: When there a subtask is subtask created in Jira, there will be a corresponding Azure work item with type provided in mapping will be created and it will be linked to it's parent by Parentits parent with a Parent/Child link. Example:
<img of settings here>
Emulating multilevel Azure hierarchy in Jira
When using synchronizer there is an option to define a relation link in Jira that will correspond to Parent/Child link that go beyond Jira three-level hierarchy.
Relation link in Jira can be "on the top of" epic, "on the bottom of" subtask or between.
When nor Epic nor Subtasks are enabled, Items(TO CHANGE: if we change name) works as standard link synchronizationBecause Azure hierarchy can consist of more than three levels and Jira supports only three, in order to reflect more complexed hierarchies, a relation link will be created. User can select what type of relation will be applied. This can be done under Mappings → Hierarchy.
This relation can link to either Epic (making this epic a child issue), Subtask (making this subtask a parent issue) or any work item in between. Example:
When neither Epic nor Subtask synchronization is enabled, Items section serves standard link synchronization only.
<img of settings here>
Example configurations