Macro | Example result |
Special Macros | |
currentUserDisplayName | Damian Skrodzki |
currentUserFirstName | Damian |
currentUserName | dskrodzki |
cursor | sets cursor position after a response is inserted |
date | 15/Jun/15 (produces current date) |
lastComment | inserts body of the latest comment visible to the current user |
Standard fields | |
affectsVersion | 1.2, 1.3 |
assigneeName | Damian Skrodzki |
assigneeFirstName | Damian |
assigneeUserName | dskrodzki |
components | Core, Documentation |
createdDate | 01/20/2017 (defined in Jira Look and Feel settings) |
createdTime | 01/20/2017 7:45 AM |
dueDate | 01/20/2019 |
fixVersion | 1.2, 1.3 |
issueDescription | Create list of all macros so that users can easly see them all in one place before installing the plugin. |
issueKey | CT-198 |
issuePriority | Highest |
issueStatus | In Progress |
issueSummary | Add "Supported Macros" section in CT documentation |
issueType | Task |
labels | Documenatation |
projectKey | CT |
projectName | Canned Responses |
reporterName | Sławomir Ginter |
reporterUserName | sginter |
reporterFirstName | Sławomir |
Sample custom fields | |
Sprint_10000 | Sample Sprint |
Story Points_10002 | 3.0 |
and all the others |