Note |
The automatic migration of rich filter gadgets with JCMA is supported by Rich Filters for the Jira Dashboards starting with version 2.1.0. We recommend you use the latest Data Center app version to perform your migration. |
Identify the rich filter dashboards that are shared with at least one project with an explicit project role selected (in Edit and Share Dashboard / Viewers or Editors) => For these dashboards you need to remove all the project role shares (from both Viewers and Editors). If you preferwish, you can also share these dashboards with logged-in users (Viewers).
Among all Identify the rich filter dashboards , including the ones treated in step 1. above, identify the dashboards that are shared with at least one group (in Edit and Share Dashboard / Viewers or Editors, including among those treated in step 1 above) and are not shared with logged-in users => You need to share these dashboards with logged-in users (Viewers).
These steps will allow the Rich Filters app to work around the Jira API bug and give itself the permission to edit the Cloud dashboards during the migration. Once After the dashboard migration is finishedcompleted and verified, you can restore the appropriate permissions of the Cloud dashboards.