Note |
The automatic migration of rich filter gadgets with JCMA is supported by Rich Filters for the Jira Dashboards starting with version 2.1.0. We recommend you use the latest Data Center app version to perform your migration. |
On your target Jira Cloud instance, ensure you have installed and licensed the Rich Filters for the Jira Dashboards Cloud app.
Step #2 - Prepare your dashboards for the migration
This preparatory step is necessary in order to avoid having some rich filter dashboards that fail to migrate due to inadequate permissions.
Currently, Atlassian doesn’t provide specific support for the migration of third-party gadgets with JCMA (cf. MIG-1937). The Rich Filters app uses the existing Jira Cloud APIs to implement the rich filter gadget migration. One of these APIs has a bug that, for particular dashboard share configurations, makes it impossible for the app to give itself the permission to edit the Cloud dashboards (cf. JRACLOUD-84000), resulting in dashboards that fail to migrate.
The proper solution for this issue is for Atlassian to fix JRACLOUD-84000. We encourage you to do whatever you can to increase the chances of this happening (comment and vote on the issue, contact Atlassian directly etc.).
Until Atlassian fixes this bug (or provides specific support for the migration of third-party gadgets), you need to implement the following workaround in the source DC instance:
Identify the rich filter dashboards that are shared with at least one project with an explicit project role selected (in Edit and Share Dashboard / Viewers or Editors) => For these dashboards you need to remove all the project role shares (from both Viewers and Editors). If you prefer, you can share these dashboards with logged-in users (Viewers).
Among all the rich filter dashboards, including the ones treated in step 1 above, identify the dashboards that are shared with at least one group (in Edit and Share Dashboard / Viewers or Editors) and are not shared with logged-in users => You need to share these dashboards with logged-in users (Viewers).
These steps will allow our app to work around the Jira API bug and give itself the permission to edit the Cloud dashboards. Once the dashboard migration is finished, you can restore the appropriate permissions of the Cloud dashboards.
Step #3 - Assess your apps
The first step in preparing a JCMA migration is Assess your apps on the Migration Assistant home screen—more information is available here. In this step, you must choose which apps to migrate to the Cloud.
Note |
Migration best practices JCMA allows you to run migrations from the same source Jira Server/Data Center instance to the same target Jira Cloud instance multiple times (for example, in order to migrate your projects gradually, if this is useful to you). We recommend you migrate your Jira data and your app data only once, i.e. in one migration run. If you need to migrate your Jira data in several migration runs, you must enable the migration of the Rich Filters app only once, in the last migration run. This is because, if the app data migration happens before all Jira data is migrated, any references to Jira objects (such as Jira filters, custom fields or dashboards) that are missing on Cloud will not be migrated, so your rich filters and/or rich filter gadgets might not be correctly migrated. In the explanations below, we assume you are following the recommended path described above. |
#4 - Configure JCMA to migrate all filters and dashboards
Rich filters are based on (have a reference to) saved Jira filters. In order for this reference to be preserved during the migration, it is important that all the Jira filters that are referenced in rich filters be already migrated when the rich filters are migrated (see the section Migration best practices above).
Therefore, you should configure JCMA to migrate all Jira filters and all dashboards. To do this, in the JCMA migration configuration step Select dashboards, boards and filters you need to select the options Dashboards/All dashboards and Boards and filters/All filters and cross-project boards. For details see What gets migrated with the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant and How dashboards, boards and filters are migrated.
#5 - Enable app migration
To enable the migration of the app data, in the JCMA migration configuration step Select apps you need to select the option All - marked as Needed in cloud with a migration path. If you have other apps marked as “Needed in cloud”, make sure you consult the migration documentation of those apps as well.
#6 - Start the migration
Once you start the migration, JCMA first migrates your Jira data and then orchestrates the migration process for the Rich Filters app. When the app has finished the migration, your migration details screen will show a status and a progress percentage for the app. If all the rich filters and all the rich filter gadgets are migrated successfully, the status will be COMPLETE and the progress will be 100%.
It is expected that Server/Data Center app features that are not supported on Cloud will result in misconfigured gadgets.
For example, gadgets configured with features from the Rich Filters::Time Tracking Dashboards app extension will show an error in the migrated dashboard. The misconfigured gadgets will need to be manually reconfigured or deleted in the Cloud instance.