Versions Compared


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The table report is a simple way to display your data in a table format using the  Simple Issue Language™ (SIL) . SIL provides predefined structures and routines that comes in help for generating such a report. 

Table of Contents

Configuring SIL Reporting Gadget


To configure the gadget you have to select the sil script file and add the default values for the parameters used in the selected script. 


Image Modified

The parameters will be passed into the program using the argv variable. The values will be available using a construct like argv["parameter_name"] or argv[position]. For the above example, the project can be retrieved using argv["projects"] or argv[0]


If you want to return information about another projects without having to configure the gadget, all you have to do is add a field for the projects using one of the routines for creating fields from gadget routines. After that you will be able to set parameter in the parameter section and run the report with the new value.


Opened vs Resolved Issues Report 


Code Block
string [] projects = argv[0];
string [] resolvedIssues;
string [] openedIssues;
for(string p in projects) {
    resolvedIssues[p] += countIssues("project = " + p  + " AND status in (Done, Closed, Resolved)");
    openedIssues[p] += countIssues("project = " + p  + " AND status not in (Done, Closed, Resolved)");
SILReportingHeader [] headers;

SILReportingHeader h1; = "Opened Issues";
h1.sortable = "sortable";
h1.color = "white";
h1.bgColor = "#79aadb";
headers += h1;
SILReportingHeader h2; = "Resolved Issues";
h2.sortable = "sortable";
h2.color = "white";
h2.bgColor = "#79aadb";
headers += h2;

string [][] rows;
for(string p in projects){
    rows += {openedIssues[p], resolvedIssues[p]};

SILReportingTable table;
table.headers = headers;
table.rows = rows;

SILReportingHeader [] transposedHeaders; // the headers of the transposed table(if it has any business meaning otherwise it can be left empty)
for(string p in projects){
    SILReportingHeader h; = p;
    h.sortable = "sortable";
    h.color = "white";
    transposedHeaders += h;
table = silreporting_transposeTable(table, transposedHeaders); //transposing the table

return table;

Now you can see all the projects and the issues that are in Opened status and Resolved status but as a transposed table. 

Opened vs Resolved Issues Report  Average and Sum
