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This section contains functions that enable users to handle filters, including creating, updating and sharing them. Also the filter event function
Functions Summary
Child pages (Children Display) |
depth | 1 |
allChildren | true |
style | sortAndReverse | |
excerptType | simple |
first | 0 |
sortAndReverse | |
Structures used in cloud:
Code Block |
int id; // the id of the permission
string type; // the type of the permission
string object; //the corresponding object id, see notes |
Type must be one of the following:
- object must be the accountId
- object must be groupid
- object must be projectKey
- object must have this form projectKey|roleId
- object value is discarded
- object value is discarded
See below example on usage
Code Block |
int id; //id of the filter
string jql; // the jql
string name; //must be unique in your Jira
string description; // just a description, optional
string owner; // account id of the owner
JSharePermission [] editPermissions; //edit
JSharePermission [] sharePermissions; //share |
Example usage
Code Block |
//create a filter
JFilter f = admCreateFilter("pcfilter", "project = TEST and issueType = Bug", currentUser(), "This is programatically created");
//get it's owner
string owner = admGetFilterOwner(f.id);
//update the filter
f.description = "Modified description";
//update various bits
admChangeFilterOwner(f.id, someOtherUser);
admFavourFilter(f.id, currentUser());
//Get filters in different ways
f = admGetFilterById(f.id);
JFilter [] allFilters = admGetAllFilters();
JFilter [] namedFilters = admGetFiltersByName("pcfiltertwo");
JFilter [] owned = admGetAllOwnedFilters(currentUser());
//Share a filter:
JSharePermission perm;
admShareFilter(f.id, 1, perm);
admShareFilter(f.id, 1, perm);