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Power Scripts for Jira Cloud can enhance your ability to search for issues using JQL. However, it is important to point out the difference between a traditional, server-hosted JQL function and a cloud-hosted JQL keyword. A JQL function performs an evaluation of the issue in real-time during the JQL search. This type of search is not possible in Jira Cloud and may never be possible in Cloud because it is a very resource intensive way of searching. A JQL keyword is meta-data for an issue that has been evaluated and saved prior to a JQL search. This type of search will always be faster and more efficient than a traditional, functional search since the results can be indexed and it is less resource intensive.

JQL Keywords



Search issues where a specified user has attached a file to them using the attachedBy keyword.

Code Block
attachedBy = "jdoe" AND created > startOfYear()

Data type: User


Search issues based on the earliest date an attachment was added using attachmentEarliestDate keyword.

Code Block
attachmentEarliestDate < startOfMonth()
attachmentEarliestDate = "2020-01-01"

Data type: Date


Search issues based on the latest date an attachment was added using attachmentLatestDate keyword.

Code Block
attachmentLatestDate > startOfDay()

Data type: Date 


Search issues based on the number of attachments it has using the countOfAttachments keyword. This can be used to determine if the issue has any attachments at all. 

Code Block
project = "Test" AND countOfAttachments > 0

Data type: Number 


Search for issus that contain a specific type of attachment. This search is based on the file extension of the attachment. For example, to search for a Microsoft Word document use "doc" or "docx".

Code Block
project = "TEST" AND typeOfAttachment = "jpg"
created > startOfWeek() AND typeOfAttachment = "pdf"

Data type: Text



Search for issues based on users who have commented on the issue using the commentAuthors keyword.

Code Block
project = "Test" AND commentAuthors = jsmith
project = "Test" AND commentAuthors in (jsmith, jdoe, juser)

Data type: User


Search for issues based on the dates that comments were created using the commentedOnDates keyword.

Code Block
commentedOnDates = 2020-06-18
commentedOnDates > startOfMonth()

Data type: Date


Search for issues with comments that have visibility restrictions applied for a specified group using the commentVisibleGroups keyword.

Code Block
commentVisibleGroups = "Developers"
commentVisibleGroups in ("Developers", "Managers")

Data type: Text


Search for issues with comments that have visibility restrictions applied for a specified project role using the commentVisibleRoles keyword.

Code Block
commentVisibleRoles = "Administrators"
commentVisibleRoles in ("Administrators", "Project Managers")

Data type: Text


Search issues based on the number of comments it has. This can be used to determine if the issue has any comments at all using the countOfComments keyword. 

Code Block
countOfComments > 0
countOfComments = 2

Data type: Number


Search issues based on the earliest date a comment was added using the firstCommentedOnDate keyword. 

Code Block
firstCommentedOnDate = 2020-06-18
firstCommentedOnDate > startOfMonth()

Data type: Date


Search issues based on username of the last person to add a comment to an issue using the newestCommentAuthor keyword.

Code Block
newestCommentAuthor = "jsmith"

Data type: Text


Search issues based on the latest date a comment was added using the lastCommentedOnDate keyword.

Code Block
lastCommentedOnDate = 2020-06-18
lastCommentedOnDate > startOfMonth()

Data type: Date 


Search for issues with a visibility restrictions applied for a specified group for the newest comment added using the newestCommentVisibleGroup keyword.

Code Block
newestCommentVisibleGroup = "Developers"

Data type: Text 


Search for issues with a visibility restrictions applied for a specified project role for the newest comment added using the newestCommentVisibleRole keyword.

Code Block
newestCommentVisibleRole = "Project Managers"

Data type: Text


Search issues based on the link type name using the hasLinkType keyword.

Code Block
hasIssueLinks = "is blocked by"
hasIssueLinks in ("is blocked by", "is cloned by")

Search issues based on the link type inward description using the hasIssueLinks keyword. 

Code Block
hasLinkType = Blocks
hasLinkType in (Blocks, Cloners)

Search issues based on the number of links it has. This can be used to determine if the issue has any links at all using the linksNumber keyword. 

Code Block
countOfLinks > 0

Data type: Number



Search issues based on the number of subtasks it has. This can be used to determine if the issue has any subtasks at all using the countOfSubtasks keyword. 

Code Block
countOfSubtasks > 0

Data type: Number 

Additional Info:

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