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You can customize the gadget to be more user friendly, asking parameters more nicely. See more details here.

Another useful feature of JJupin is the ability to randomly run SIL scripts scripts on demand using  using the SIL Runner Gadget. This allows you to configure a list of scripts that can be run at any time directly from your Dashboard. 


Bare in mind that scripts ran this way do not have an issue context! Therefore, constructs and keywords like 'key' do not have a meaning here (they are undefined!). You need to first select the issues to work with, and prefix any standard variables with the issue key!


The The configuration screen is  is only available to JIRA Administrators and System Administrators and allows them to manage the list of available SIL scripts. They can add, configure security and delete scripts or edit the parameters of a runnable SIL script.

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To add a script to the runner you must give it a name, description and select an already existing file containing the script.

The gadget also offers the ability to restrict script usage to specific users or groups by choosing a security option:

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          Public - the script will be available for any user

          Group - the script will be available only if the currently logged in user is a member of the specified group (will display a group picker)

          User - the script will be available only if the currently logged in user is the same as the specified one (will display a user picker)

  Project role - the script will available only if the currently logged in user is in a specific role on a specific project (will display a project picker) (available since JJUPIN 3.0.8)




To edit the actual scripts, please use the SIL Manager.




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When you select a script from the list, its its description will  will automatically be filled in below.

The The Parameters field  field is used to pass values values into your  your SIL program. To add a parameter click the the Add Parameter button button.


Parameter names must be unique, otherwise the most recent definition will overwrite previous ones. This includes parameters with no name.

The parameters will be passed into the program using the the argv variable variable. The values will be available using a construct like like argv["parameter_name"] or  or argv[position]. For  For the above example, the number of rockets can be retrieved using argv["rockets"] or argv[2].


 Parameters can be reordered using drag and drop.


Once you run the script, the program console will be displayed.

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You can use the runnerLog routine to print info in the console as the program runs. Note that the console buffer is limited to 512 lines every ~0.5 sec and the console will only display the latest 512 lines.
