In JSU Cloud, preconditions are a part of the post function.
Choose your Precondition
Click the "Add Precondition" button and insert the precondition you want to evaluate. For more details, take a look at the Value Field Precondition and the JQL Precondition.
You can insert multiple precondition and combine them using AND, OR, AND NOT, and OR NOT operators. AND NOT and OR NOT are not equivalent to NAND and NOR, they only negate the result of the precondition before combining it with the previous result. the following operators:
- AND: Previous result and current result must be true
- OR: Either previous result or current result must be true, or both
- AND NOT: Previous result must be true, current result must be false
- OR NOT: Either previous result must be true or current result must be false, or both
They are evaluated sequentially, combining the result of the previous precondition with the result from the current one. Parentheses to configure precedence are not supported.
You can also rearrange the precondition by dragging the line using the handle on the left.
You can also disable the precondition by unchecking the enabled flag next to the delete button. This will leave the precondition in your configuration, but it will be ignored.
The Post Function Side
In the post function you update the issue by adding a new comment. After you save, the overview should look like this:
See also Preconditions for Post Functions for more use cases.