With Easy Integration's Issue Listeners you can integrate your Jira with your internal/external systems by calling REST services accordingly. In this page, you will explore how to define a listener and configure the REST service.
Listeners can be accessed in the Easy Integration's admin UI (Jira admin cog icon > Manage apps > Easy Integrations Menu > Listeners (EI)).
On this page, you can find all the listeners that you already defined. Also, you can;
- Create a new listener
- Edit an existing listener
- Delete an existing listener
- Give a name to the listener.
- Select projects which you want to listen to issue events and call REST services. You can also choose the All Projects option.
- Similarly, select issue types. You can also choose the All Issue Types option.
- Select the issue event(s) which you want to listen to. You can select multiple issue events.
By default, it has only return true statement which means that the listener will execute the REST call. However, you can type your own script in order to programmatically add a condition to execute the REST service or not.
Below, is a sample code snippet for a condition which checks the logged-in user should be the reporter of the issue