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The JMWE workflow extensions section of the JMWE Administration pages lists all of the workflow extensions that have been created in your Jira instance. From this administration page, you can perform multiple actions on the extensions, such as activate or deactivate them; view statistics including when it was last modified, its last run log, and any errors and/or warnings; and access a shortcut to edit the extension. The page consists of two primary sections - the filters workflow selector and the extension list. Additionally, new extensions can be created using the Create new button to the right of the workflow selector.

Please note: only extensions created with JMWE will be included on this page.

Page Filters

The workflow extensions list (Figure 1, right) includes two filters at the top of the page:

Workflow - Filter the list of extensions by a specific workflow

Workflow Selector

The primary filter for the Workflow Extensions page is the workflow selector. Selecting a workflow will

automatically refresh the list.Group by - Display the extensions by either the transition within the workflow, or by the extension type

display only the extensions that have been added to that workflow.

Extension List

Depending on the Group by value selected, the extension list will display differently.

Transition - When listing by transition, each transition in the workflow is an expandable card. When the transition card is expanded, every extension will be listed with the following information:

  • Extension name

  • Extension ID - The ID of the extension. This value can be used to filter the JMWE logs.

  • Extension type - Condition, Validator, or Post-function.

  • Enabled - Status of the extension - enabled or disabled. Toggle this switch to

    The extension list contains the following columns:

    • Enabled - Directly enable or disable the extension.

    • Edit button - Click the Edit button to open the extension in the editor; you can update the configuration directly from here.

    Additionally, each extension can be expanded to view additional information. See Extension Details, below, for more information.

    Extension type - When listing by extension type, each type in the workflow is an expandable card (Figure 1, above). When the type card is expanded, every extension is listed with the following information:

    • Extension name

    • Extension ID - The Name & Extension ID - The name and ID of the extension. This The ID value can be used to filter the JMWE logs.

    • Transition - The workflow transition to which the extension has been added, including the transition ID.

    • Status - Status of the extension - enabled or disabled. Toggle this switch to enable or disable the extension.

    • Edit button - Click the Edit button to open the extension in the editor; you can update the configuration directly from here.

    Additionally, each extension can be expanded to view additional information. See Extension Details, below, for more information.

    Extension Details

    Additional details for each extension are available by expanding the extension card using the carat to the left of the extension name. When expanded, the following details are available:


    Please note: not every section below will be visible unless it is required. For example, ‘Problems’ will not display unless there is an issue with the extension.

    • MODIFIED - When the extension was last updated.

    • PROBLEMS - Any issues with the extension during migration from Jira Server / Data Center will be listed here.

    • RUN LOG - A list of executions within the last 24 hours.

    • Errors and Warnings - Counts of errors or warnings within the last 24 hours.

    • Type - Condition, Post-function, or Validator.

    • Executions - Lists the number of errors or warnings within the last 24 hours.

    • Action menu - Click to open a menu with specific actions for the Scheduled Action:

      • Edit - Open the Shared Action Editor to update the action.

    Filter and Sort

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    [Includes] Filter and Sort

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