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Release date

Our team is excited to announce the latest release of JMWE for Jira Cloud 1.2.29.


Table of Contents



Updated UI for Build-your-own Condition and Build-your-own Validator

The Build-your-own Condition and Build-your-own Validator have been updated to include a No Code option for building Jira expressions! The new interface enables you to configure the Condition or Validator and JMWE will write the expression for you!

Create issue(s) post-function supports copying sub-tasks

The Create issue(s) post-function has been updated to include support for copying sub-tasks from the original issue (the issue that triggers the post-function) to the new issue(s). Please see the documentation for details on which fields are eligible to be copied.

Improved copying of attachments between issues

The Copy comments to related issues post-function has been updated with improved functionality for copying attachments. Now, when an attachment is copied, the post-function will check various file properties to determine duplicate files, and will append the file name of any file it determines is a duplicate.

Added support for ‘Team’ field in post-functions

Several post-functions have been expanded to include access to the Jira-native Teams field. The updated post-functions are:

Validators updated with “Skip when cloning” option

It is now possible to configure JMWE validators to skip the validation when an issue is being cloned. All JMWE Validators have been updated to include this option.

Closed Sprints excluded from new issues and copied fields

When creating new issues or setting/copying issue fields, Sprint values for closed sprints will no longer be included when the post-function executes. When setting the Sprint field, if using a single value and that value is a closed sprint, the field will not be set; if using multiple values, the closed sprint will not be included in the set values. The updated post-functions are:


Updates to Shared Actions error logging

Shared Actions now log errors in the included post-functions even if the option Stop the action if a post-function encounters an error is not selected in the post-function configuration. A warning icon will be displayed in the post-function tile within the Shared Action, and a entry will be added to the JMWE Logs.

Scheduled Actions updated with ‘Run as user’ option

Scheduled Actions can now be configured to run as a specific user.


Updated support for “Remove values” in migrated Set issue fields

The post-function Set issue fields now includes enhanced support for migrating the option Remove values on multi-value fields. Migrations using JMCA and CMJ are supported!

Code Editors

Added support for Watchers and voters in Jira Expressions

Jira has added support for Votes/Voters and Watches/Watchers in Jira expressions; the Jira expression editor in JMWE has been updated to include access to these new fields


Enable and disable individual post-functions within actions

admin-RuleBuilderPostFunction.pngImage Added

The JMWE Automation Rule Builder now includes options to disable post-functions within an Action! You can now disable any individual post-function from within the Action itself, enabling faster testing and troubleshooting, modified single runs, or temporary disabling of high volume post-functions.

This update applies to:

Improved filter and sort options

Each of the JMWE Administration pages for Actions has been updated to include better tools for filtering and sorting the list of respective Actions. In addition to searching by ID using the Search box, every column in the list of actions can now be sorted and filtered. Filter by the project where the action is used, the post-functions the actions contains, the Action’s execution status, and many more!

This update applies to:


'Return to Previous Status' post-function

This release introduces a new post-function - Return to Previous Status. When triggered, this post-function will return an issue to the status it had before it’s current status (as long as there is a valid transition back to the previous status available). The new post-function increases parity between JMWE Data Center and JMWE Cloud, including migration support.

Other Enhancements

Custom domain support

JMWE Cloud is now supported when running Jira on custom domains.

Bug fixes

The following bugs are fixed in this release:

  • JMWE Actions (Shared, Scheduled, and Event-based Actions

    JMWE Event-based actions were encountering issues access the new Parent field when configuring the event that triggers the action


    • The system was failing to list more than 50 results when searching for several types of items (e.g. Projects, Issues, Issue Types); in most cases the system failed to scroll enough, preventing the user from browsing all results. This has been resolved.

  • Shared Actions

    • The Shared Action editor was opening the Jira Workflow Editor in the same window/tab as the Shared Action editor which resulted in lost configurations. This has been fixed to open the Workflow Editor in a new tab.

  • Automation Rule Builder

    • The Action Menu shortcut to copy an Action’s ID value was not copying the value to the clipboard. This has been fixed.

    • Minor display issues in the Automation Rule Builder have been resolved.

  • Nunjucks template testing

    • In some instances when testing Nunjucks templates, the window for selecting an issue would display partially off-screen. This has been fixed.

  • Link issues post-function

    • When editing an existing Link issue(s) post-function, the link type would revert to “blocks” any time the post-function was opened for editing. This has been fixed.

  • Transition issue(s) post-function

    • When using the JMWE “Transition issue(s) post-function,” an error is thrown if the transition is performed by a user with no administrator privileges or project admin permissions and the post-function is configured to set a value on a field that doesn’t appear on the transition screen. This has been resolved.

  • Copy issue fields

    • The Copy issue fields post-function was incorrectly logging changes to the current user even when the post-function was configured to run as the Add-on User. This has been resolved.

  • Build-your-own Condition

    • In some instances the configuration would fail when Value to compare type was set to Text, even if the configuration was complete and valid. This has been resolved.

    • Display issues related to errors with required fields have been resolved.

  • Linked Issues Validator

    • In some configurations, the Linked Issues Validator failed to correctly validate the configured Issue Type. This has been resolved.

  • JCMA Migrations

    Some migrations to Jira Cloud were encountering errors or incomplete migrations due to Comment issue(s) or Clear field(s) post-function configurations. These have been resolved

    Conditions and Validators

    • In some circumstances, the Conditional execution configuration was still being applied even after unchecking the option. This has been resolved.

  • Scheduled Actions

    • When using the Search feature for JQL queries within a Scheduled Action, the preview would show results inconsistently. This has been resolved.

    • Resolved a display issue where values in the Schedule column of the list of Actions were being truncated.

  • Event-based Actions

    • Resolved an issue with pagination in the list of Actions where using the page buttons at the bottom of the list would automatically reset to the first page.

    • Fixed a minor display issue for the Enabled column label.

  • JMWE workflow extensions page

    • Clicking on Error or Warning badges in the Executions column did not open the Error logs page. This has been resolved and clicking the badges will now open that Administration page.

  • Linked Issues Condition

    • JMWE Cloud was allowing blank characters in the Jira Expression field when selecting At least one linked issue must satisfy the condition below, which caused errors. This has been fixed.

  • Linked Issues Status Validator

    • The Validator was incorrectly looking for all issue types to meet its criteria instead of only the selected issue types. This has been resolved.

  • Nunjucks scripts

    • Setting the issue type to ‘Epic’ using a Nunjucks script would sometimes result in the error Incorrect request: {"parent":"data was not an object"}. This has been resolved.

  • Migrations

    • Some migrated extensions were still showing errors in the Post Migration page even after those errors had been resolved. This has been fixed.

    • Some migrated Actions were displaying the error Groovy script must be converted into a Jira expression when their included post-functions did not include Groovy scripts. These should no longer display this error.

  • ‘Run as’ user menu

    • The Run as user menu has been updated to correctly display users when first loading.

Questions.png Questions and feedback

  • Explore exciting features, pricing updates, reviews, and more on the Marketplace.

  • Stuck with something? Raise a ticket with our support team.

  • Do you love using our app? Let us know what you think here.

Credits.png Credits

A heartfelt thank you to our valued customers! Your incredible support and feedback inspire us to improve our apps and products continually. You are the driving force behind why we create software. We appreciate your trust in !

Page Properties

Release date

24 Apr


  • Enable and disable individual post-functions within an Action

  • Enhanced logging for Shared ActionsUpdated UI for Scripted Conditions and Scripted ValidatorsSort and Filter options for all Actions

  • Return to Previous Status post-function added

  • Numerous bug fixes