General settings
You must be a Jira administrator.
Changing connected project or service desk
Go to settingsSettings under HelpDesk+.
Select your service desks under your service desks in Choose Jira Service Desk(s).
Save your settings.
agentAgent setting
The Default Agent setting in HelpDesk+ allows the bot to use an alternate agent identity instead of the main - authorized user 's when needed, such as during integrations or system operations. Organizations can designate a specific user account to represent the bot, clarifying its activities within HelpDesk+.
Configuring your
default agentDefault Agent channel
Navigate to your HelpDesk+ bot settings in the account portal.
Scroll to the bottom left of the page to manage your Slack channel mappings.
Click "Edit Default" to set your base default agent alert channel.
Click Add Configuration to set up a new channel mapping.
Next, choose Choose your service desk . Then choose your and ticket type.
You can select one or multiple more types that would route to that channel.
Optionally, select Jira labels that
route requests to specific channels.
Select the Slack channel to which request alerts should be sent.